Yes, we are still here and answering questions
I just want everyone to know that although Goya is gone and we aren't actively posting, Gary and I are still notified when there are questions or comments and we do answer them pretty quickly. Also, if anyone else has a blog or finds other information on the web, send me the URL and I will put it in the links in the sidebar.
Good luck to all of you who have dogs in distress.
I just want everyone to know that although Goya is gone and we aren't actively posting, Gary and I are still notified when there are questions or comments and we do answer them pretty quickly. Also, if anyone else has a blog or finds other information on the web, send me the URL and I will put it in the links in the sidebar.
Good luck to all of you who have dogs in distress.
At Sat Aug 23, 06:29:00 PM EDT,
Brooklyn said…
I have a female Bull Mastiff that was just diagnosed with Coonshound Parlaysis she just got home from the vet hospital two nights ago so far we have had to put her on a stretcher and carry her in and out of the house I know we have a long road ahead of us she is so sweet I call her my gental giant, it is very tramatic seeing her in this condition any advise you can give us would be greatly appreciated I have found that the Vets are not very eduacated on this disease and they seem to be reading out of text books themselves, I know she will get better because I will take very good care of her Brooklyn is her name and we love her dearly!
At Sun Aug 24, 04:56:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
Brooklyn's mom or dad,
I am sorry to hear about Brooklyn. The only general advice I can give is to read the old entries in our blog and make sure you go to the other stories about dogs who had coonhound paralysis that are in the sidebar of our blog pages. Those other dogs seemed to have less severe cases than Goya's bout that we describe, more like his first bout that lasted only about 6 weeks.
My heart goes out to you,
At Sat Sep 06, 09:49:00 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Hello all:
Our little yorkie came down with coonhound paralysis exactly four weeks ago. The first two weeks she couldn't move at all, except for her head somewhat when propped up. Our main issue was with keeping her hydrated. Liquids and food made her gag and cough. We gave her colloidal silver from the start, to help boost her immune system, and we fed her raw egg yolk mixed with kefir. Everything was given drop by drop with a syringe. According to the vet she needed about 50cc of water per day. It was quite a battle getting that into her. After two weeks the coughing lessened, but she was not able to move her limps, yet.
I use DMSO ( quite a bit with our farm animals and for personal health. And I don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier, but started Luna on it. I clipped her fur very short, and applied it (mixed with 50% [by volume] colloidal silver) to her whole body once a day. What happened then was miraculous! The next day she was able to roll on her back from one side to the other, 2nd day onto her stomach, 3rd day she could hold herself a few seconds on her front legs when propped up, 4th day she pushed herself up by the front legs (!), then came the hind legs for a few seconds...the seventh day she was standing up and waking a few steps! Today, after two weeks exactly, from when we started applying the DMSO, she is walking around, even downstairs. The way she's going, she'll be running around in another week or so!
You can get DMSO from most feed stores or through online sources. While DMSO alone is absolutely harmless to people, it can get dangerous, if mixed with chemicals, as it will pull anything through the skin and distribute it throughout the whole body. So, please, make sure you do not get it into contact with anything you don't want the dog to get into his/her body. I applied the solution with a cotton ball taped to a tongue depressor. That way I didn't get it on myself. DMSO makes you reek of garlic! If you want to know more about DMSO and its healing properties, please check out the book "DMSO, Nature's Healer" by Morton Walker, available through I wish I had thought earlier of this most wonderful liquid. It would have spared us much agony!
Hope this will help some doggies and their owners out there!
Best of luck to all of you!
At Sat Sep 06, 10:38:00 AM EDT,
Bonnie said…
I am so glad your dog got better so quickly.
I know nothing about colloidal silver or DMSO, but we had a similar experience with doxycycline during Goya's first bout with coonhound paralysis. About 4 weeks into the disease, we were able to take him to Ohio State neurology specialist and at the urging of Goya's breeder, we convinced them to give Goya doxycycline. Four days later he was walking!!! I called Ohio State, so happy, and told them the good news. I said Goya had reacted to the doxy and was soooo much better. The vet said "Why?" I said, "I dunno, you are the one who gave him the doxy" and the vet said "Yeah, but I just did that to shut you up -- it wasn't going to hurt him but it wasn't going to help." Indeed, during the second bout, doxy did nothing.
So there are coincidences with this disease -- it seems to run its course and then the dog gets better (that's great!) and since I happened to have given him doxycycline, I thought it was the cause of the recovery.
The vets don't seem to know what to do to speed the recovery. And its so frustrating to not be able to do anything for our four-legged loved one.
Perhaps we will stumble on something that works reliably, and perhaps colloidal silver and DMSO is one of those things; doxycycline didn't seem to be.
Best of luck to your yorkie.
At Sat Sep 06, 12:25:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for replying.
My reasoning to use colloidal silver was that Coonhound Paralysis is an immune system response to (mostly) unknown agents. Colloidal silver is known to support and strengthen the immune system. And just in case this was caused by a virus or bacteria, it would at least have helped to keep their multiplying in check.
DMSO has a great many uses. One of its strengths is to regenerate damaged nerves. And since it's the nerve conductor substance that is affected with coonhound paralysis, I am confident that it was indeed DMSO that has helped our little friend.
Have a wonderful weekend,
At Sat Sep 06, 12:45:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
I quickly scanned some info on wikipedia on DMSO and it sure looks interesting -- if I had a dog with coonhound paralysis now, I would certainly look into it extensively as well as discuss it with my vet.
At Sun Oct 26, 08:24:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
I can only say that what wonderful pet owners you are and Goya was a beautiful boy. We lost our 18 month old Rott to coonhound paralysis. She was in full paralysis and required a respirator to breath. She fought the respirator and they gave her a sedative which she had an allergic reaction to and she spiked a fever...She was on a bed of ice when we last saw her.. at the University of Guelph, she had passed away before we could say goodbye. We loved her deeply even though she was only with us a short time.
Again Goya was beautiful.. I am sobbing just looking at the pics of him in his sling.
At Mon Oct 27, 05:04:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
Rotti mom and/or dad in Guelph,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so sad to lose a beloved companion, especially under such distressing circumstances. If you want to share the symptoms and course of your Rotti's disease here eventually, or send me a link to a page of your own story, I am sure others will benefit from your experiences.
Take care,
At Mon Nov 10, 04:59:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for writing all this information. It is very helpful and I am finding that most vets do not know a lot about Coonshound Parlaysis. I keep hearing how rare it is. We have a beagle cross, I saw when she had the Coon bite, but didn't realize there was this disease. Last Thursday she started getting weak and now she cannot use her legs. She is a small dog(20#), so easy to move, however we are having difficulty getting her to eat or drink. We syringe water into her mouth, but she won't drink from a bowl. I worry about not eating and the weight loss. I saw the blog about DMSO, so we may try it. She wags her tail, lifts her head, sits on her chest, and tries to wiggle like a snake to move. I guess those are good signs. We have children, so they are good helpers, but we have also had a lot of tears.
At Sat Dec 06, 10:48:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
hey i got a blue tick coonhound she came down with the coonhound paralysis last winter. and she had olsores on the inside of her mouth and some on her body. and this november she lost the tip of her ear and noy lost the end of her tail about 3 also sterilized her any body knows what we can do to stop it or help her let us know please email At
thank you ethan
At Sat Jan 17, 03:11:00 PM EST,
Lanetta said…
Our 10 1/2 yr old Dobie began showing odd behavior last Friday night. Her symptoms progressed exactly how you and others have explained/detailed in this wonderful blog resource. I found your blog on Wednesday and it was like a God's send that offers hope for Our Ruth Girl. I have started my own blog detailing what happened and what we are trying to do for her. I have found the information you and others have posted very informative and am excited/hopeful about the DMSO ... am going there now to check it out!!! Thank you SOOOO much for sharing your journey with Goya.
At Sun Jan 18, 07:54:00 PM EST,
Bonnie said…
Our thoughts go out to you and Ruth Girl. I've put a link to your blog on our page.
Best of luck,
At Sun Jan 18, 08:14:00 PM EST,
Heartland said…
Just a update about Brooklyn, SHE IS BACK TO NORMAL!!!! I want everyone out there who has a dog with this disease dont put them down they do recover she went through a rough spot there but she is doing fine and I started giving her Nyzmes products the anti viral drops black walnut and olive drops and and the antioxidants from right after I started her on this stuff she had a remarkable turnaround, I don't know if it was timing or the product but I will continue her on it I also changed her diet to better dog foods, I give her the Dog whispers food and one can of Natural dog food , I brought her to a holistic vet who did acupunture and water therapy I know everyone cant afford this but we only did three or four treatments and she was up and walking on her own she was weak because she lost a lot of weight but she is doing great she even gets back up on our bed.
Rhonda D.
Burbank IL
At Sun Jan 18, 08:21:00 PM EST,
Bonnie said…
Gooooo Brooklyn!!!!
At Sun Jan 18, 08:43:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
Bonnie you would just fall in love with Brook everyone does, she is one special doggie might I say so myself, Bull Mastiffs are very unique as you know! I know how hard it was taking care of her but it was well worth all the effort, she has a appetite like a horse now and has regained all the weight back that she lost I think she
is bigger than before, she made up for lost eating time, during her down time I actually had to give her IV fluids at home because she wasn't getting enough fluids it was easy just under the skin my the neck our vet even came to our house to show me how, the hardest part for me was seeing her like that and when it rained outside taking her out to use the bathroom was hell thank God she got better before winter set in!!! Well best of luck with everyone and thanks agin Bonnie for your web-site it really gave me lots of hope at a very bleak time.......
Rhonda D.
At Wed Jan 21, 10:35:00 AM EST,
Lanetta said…
Thank you for linking our blog with yours. I can never express in words the hope you and others have given me. I would love to email with Rhonda about Brooklyn... such wonderful news!
At Thu Jan 29, 08:10:00 AM EST,
Lanetta said…
Bonnie... Our Ruth Girl apparently did not have Coonhound as she died in my arms yesterday at 2:40 p.m.... So not to dispare anyone else going through this, you may want to consider removing the link to my blog and my comments. Thank you, again, for your blog, it gave us such hope for a while... giving us a chance to be with her a little while longer.
At Fri Jan 30, 12:50:00 AM EST,
Anonymous said…
I am very sorry to hear about Ruth Girl, I just read your whole blog I know how much you loved her, you can email me at
At Fri Jan 30, 07:00:00 AM EST,
Freddiecat said…
We would like to send out a heart-felt thank you to everyone who has posted their experiences. Our 7 year old Rottie developed coonhound paralysis last spring and was paralyzed for 3 months. Your stories kept us hopeful as we watched our beloved, athletic girl lie helpless and loose about a third of her body weight.
Today I watched her run down a hill and jump over a snow bank. She is getting stronger every day.
Thank you again for being a resource for information and hope on a little understood disease.
At Tue Feb 03, 06:43:00 PM EST,
Mutt Lover said…
I am in the 3rd week of coonhound paralysis with my golden/chow/whodunit mix, Sasha. She got in an altercation with something one night and showed up teh next morning with lots of scratches on her nose. Almost 11 days later I found her paralysed in the yard. I guess we got lucky, because she never lost the ability to eat, breathe or drink and could always sit up, wag her tail and scoot around a little. What was unusual in her case was that the front legs were more effected than the hind legs. I took her to the University of GA Vet School where they performed an EMG to confirm the diagnosis. I am going to put her on the DMSO tomorrow and see what happens. It sure can't hurt.
At Fri Feb 13, 09:15:00 AM EST,
Teeterhorse said…
My chow and lab mix "Bear" Went down Thursday Feb 5th 2009 after being biten on Sunday January 25 2009. He can not move. We got a diagnosis of coonhound Wednesday Feb 11th.(after one vet told me NO it could not be that, not my primary vet of course, but a surgical referral vet) I had already been treating him as if that was what he had. I had found it on the internet.
My questions, when will it start to improve. Urination, I know that he can go he fights going, suggestions?
I have him on an inflatable mattress, turn him, take him for rides in my ranger four wheeler (since that was his favorite) on a nice comfy pillow pallet. Massage, him exercise his legs. Place moist heat on him.
I hate this for him, he loves to get out and run.
At Mon Feb 16, 05:22:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
Dear Teeterhorse I know when Brook was down she also had a hard urinating because she wasn't getting enoungh fluids and I had to hook her up to a IV at home our vet came over to help the first time it was pretty simple just under the skin by the top of her neck I couldn't get her to dring out of a bowl so I got a spray bottle and gave her water with the spray bottle all the time which was not enoungh fluids for a girl her size but she liked being able to taste the water also Brook had a hard time urinating so the vet also showed me out to manually help her by pressing down on her belly so ask your show you how to do that to Brook had a really hard time going poop the first time I knew she had to go she was panting and acting really weird so watch for that sign too!! Just let them lye down on the grass they will do their thing also probalby a good idea to get a small tent without sides so you can keep the ground dry when you lay Bear down outside and if it is wet already get a shower curtain and lye most of his body on it with the back end lying on the grass it is a pain I know but helps alot as soon as your dog starts to go pull him away and wipe him with baby wipes keep him dry as can be you don't want urine scald to happen and sometimes when they poop it gets on them so cleaning them is cruical. Hope this helps get more fluids into bear
At Mon May 04, 12:54:00 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
I have never read or written a blog before but my coon hound /lab cross Flash is sick with coon hound paralysis. Our old coonhound Nitro got had it also and became so paralized that we put him down due to a vets advice. I can't believe its related to guionne barre (sp) I said that to my hubby last night that it reminds me of that. Poor Flash is not as paralized as Nitro was but it still pretty bad and I'm so worried about him. Vets don't seem to know much about it. He is able to stagger a little ways. He tangled with a coon about 2 weeks ago. We think he is on about day 8 of his illness. Will he get much worse...does anyone know???
I'm hoping his symptoms won't worsen. He is 9.5 years old and he's my baby. Best dog in the world, you know what I mean!
Do I have to worry about him having a BM? Should I be trying to help him with that?
Thanks so much for any reply!
kel and flash
At Tue May 05, 11:45:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
I am sorry to hear about Flash and hope that the information on our blog helps.
About the BM, please see the comment I wrote on Gary's post of Mar 28, 2006 about Goya's first full week of this bout of the disease. I describe the "distress" he went through when he needed to move his bowels. Eventually he just learned to do it when he had to, but always tried to pull himself away from it, and hated to do it in the house. So if there is any way you can lay him down outside until he can relive himself and clean him up as soon as you notice, I think that's the best you can do. Goya didn't need any other "help" even at his worst.
I believe the disease gets worse only for about 10-14 days. I can't give you a pointer to that fact off the top of my head, but somewhere in this blog, I think you'll find it (probably in a post by Gary - he put a lot of pointers to medical sites in somewhere.)
I hope this helps. Best of luck to you two.
At Thu May 07, 12:10:00 PM EDT,
Emmit's dad said…
Hi there all, Our 6 and a half year old Black lab Emmitt ended up paralysed a week a go saturday. After 4 days in the hospital and a neuro consult, the diagnosis was given as coonhound paralysis. He loves to play outside at our house and at the cottage, so the potential for recoon interactions is always high. No evidence of bites but plenty of chance for interactions. It started in his hind end, progressed to his fromnt end but seemed to stop there. After about 4 days, he walked (pretty shaky, but walking!) out of the clinic. He progressed along nicely for the next few days, even managed to go up stairs, but on sunday, 1 week after it all started, he started to backwards... He is pretty wobbly now and has some facial paralysis. He can still walk, barely, and falls a lot. he can't close or blink his eyes, so we are putting drops in every couple of hours. he seems to be stable, not getting worse, and may be slightly better... He is eating less than nornal, but he is eating and drinking... He is curently on steroids and antibiotics...
Can anyone provide insight into the typical progress? It seems to be two steps forward and one step back... Is this typical? I hear a lot about steady but slow progrees. We had pretty rapid progress, and BAM! it all went sideways... Any insights would be helpful...
At Thu May 07, 01:02:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to here about your dog, I know how hard it is keep the faith your dog should recover fully my Brooklyn was down for about 1 1/2 months fully paralyized, she is back to her normal self it has been 7 months now, keep giving plenty of love and care recovery takes a while but it will happpen.
At Thu May 07, 02:06:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
To Emmet's Dad,
I have the same experience as you have reading about coonhound paralysis -- I have not read anything other than slow progress after hitting the worst paralysis. Goya certainly followed that "normal" path. However, the web doesn't know everything -- everything I read said 6 weeks to 6 months for recovery and Goya took 8 months to recover. I don't think the vets know everything either, they see so few of these cases. Hopefully, other folks with experience can pool the course of their dogs' recovery. I'm going to promote this question to a main discussion point, including your original query, so we might collect comments all in one post.
At Fri Jun 12, 05:18:00 PM EDT,
Xandersmom said…
HI Does anyone have any advise on how to bathe a paralyzed dog?
At Sat May 01, 09:44:00 PM EDT,
Bonnie said…
About bathing, we used one of the ionizing brushes for most of his coat.
When he soiled himself, the best we could do was the equivalent of a "sponge bath" given to humans in hospitals, that is, we put plastic below him to keep the mattress dry, used warm soapy water on a washcloth, then warm water on another wash cloth to rinse it, then dried it off with several towels. Then took the plastic away after his fur dried.
Of course, we were working with a 160 lb dog, I imagine you could be more creative with a much lighter dog who likes water, in some sort of baby bath tub that has a place to keep his head above the water. That wasn't practical even with several adults with Goya.
At Wed Oct 12, 02:18:00 PM EDT,
Vicki D. said…
Hi Bonnie, First I wanted to say although it's been a while since Goya's passing I am VERY sorry for your loss. He sounds like such an amazing and strong boy, and a true hero! Our 5 year old Jagdterrier, Sophie, contracted Coonhound Paralysis after her and our male Jager, another Jagdterrier, fought with about 32-35lb Raccoon in our backyard. Jager received bites to his nose, ears and front legs and feet. Sophie received only a bite to her head and one front leg...none of her bites were bad. Sophie did however bite the Raccoons neck. The fight happened on the 22nd of September 2011, by the 3rd of October, we noticed Sophie seemed to be concerned about jumping up on the sofa, thinking she would fall. We also noticed she was falling, when going down stairs. By the 4th she was unable to use her hind legs at all, and was only able to sit up on her front legs...we thought that she injured her back during the fight and that it had just taken time to set in. We started giving her 81 mg baby aspirin, 1 tablet, every 12 hours, giving her a little milk to coat her stomach before giving her the aspirin. By that afternoon, Sophie was unable to set up on her own. We took her to an animal hospital, they did an exam, and felt that we were correct in our thought that she had injured her back, maybe pinched a nerve, inflamed a disc, but, felt it was strange that she showed no signs of pain.(we had limited funds to do more in depth exams, so we only could afford the basic) The vet said that we were doing the right thing with the aspirin, and to continue that for the next week and we would look at her progress. The 6th we received a letter from the Vet with information about Coonhound Paralysis. Since we had told the vet about the incident with the raccoon, she decided to do some investigating. As we read the symptoms, we knew that it indeed is what Sophie had...her bark had became hoarse and that had us puzzled. So, we went online, did some research and came up with a treatment. We eliminated the aspirin, since there was no need, of obvious benefit. We started Range of Motion exercises and message. Stress and anxiety message. Make sure that she has comfortable bedding, turning her often...working with her, helping her to sit up and roll over. She is now raising herself to a sitting position, rolling over on her own. she is able, once positioned to stand for up to 2 minutes...HUGE! We scheduled and appointment to see about Acupuncture...after meeting with the Dr there...we all decided to give Sophie another week of the treatments we are doing now, but adding a supplement called Oxyperm, by integrated theraputics...for the antioxidants. It's a human supplement and can be bought on Amazon for far cheaper than buying from a veterinarian's office. Anyway, we are giving her 1 capsule twice a day evenly spaced...( 9:30 am & 9:30 PM). After a week if she hasn't made any further progress, we will schedule her for Acupuncture. Sophies spirits are good...we encourage her to play with her squeaky toy, to help with the frustration...we take turns taking her out side and walking the back yard, trips out. We go to Starbucks too!! She enjoys the attention. I will continue with my journal, in hopes that we come up with treatments that will help someone else. We are in Oregon, and are finding out that it is an uncommon illness here, so there isn't a lot of information. Now, question...had you been told anything about concern for giving vaccinations, after having had Coonhound Paralysis? Our Dr, thought that I should contact a veterinary school to see what they thought. The last Vet we saw...Dr Chuck, has been a vet, for over 40 years here in Oregon, and has never treated a case of Coonhound Paralysis...the first Vet was young, and had not treated any cases, neither had her older associates...kind of scary! Well, that's it...again, I want to thank you for caring enough to post your info about dear Goya's bout with this disease...blessings!
Vicki & Gary
At Sat Nov 19, 07:29:00 PM EST,
Tara said…
Hi, just wondering if anyone else in Australia has had their dog diagnosed with coonhound disease my dog sam 10 year old mini fox terrier was diagnosed with disease on Friday 18/11/11 I find it so unbelievable he could get this disease in Australia. Wanting to know outcome from any others in Australia. cheers Tara
At Sat Nov 19, 08:03:00 PM EST,
Vicki D. said…
Tara...I found this is quite similar to Coonhound Paralysis...and is actually transfered the same way through the Saliva...or in the case with Ticks...the Salitary gland...because it is neurological... I message and range of motion therapy on my Jag'd Terrier, Sophie. We also gave her Oxyperm, which is a antioxydent vitamin for can buy it online I administered 2 caps in the morning and one at night... because the disease effects the brain and then goes through the spine and then to the legs...I used techniques similar to what would be considered rehabilatation therapy for brain injuries standing over, bending over.holding her up and assisting her to walk...I would let her put enough pressure on her legs while moving her forward, and trying to get the legs to move with me...I hoped the the brain would relearn walking again...long story short...after a week of being completely unable to move on her own..., having to help her potty, feeding her...she was walking on her own with-in a little under two weeks. I hope this helps...please let me know if there is anything I can do, any other information that I can pass on to you...our vet believes that it was the therapy that helped her regain her mobility so soon. I'm attaching the link about the info on the Tick personal email is wishes for you legged baby!!
At Sat Nov 19, 08:08:00 PM EST,
Vicki D. said…
Tara...I forgot to note, and you may already know this...but you Ticks are called ixodes, I believe...hope this information is helpful.
At Sat Nov 19, 08:10:00 PM EST,
Vicki D. said…
Tara...some more information
At Thu Jan 19, 11:46:00 PM EST,
Sno_Dazed said…
My Jack Russell suddenly fell ill. Shows all signs of Coonshound paralysis, however, vets around here have never seen nor dealt with it. I am desperate for help. They couldn't even advise me on what I need to do. They gave him Vetprofen and amoxicillin.
At Fri Jan 20, 01:39:00 AM EST,
Vicki D. said…
Snow dazed, we have a 5 year old jags terrier, that has had 2 boughts with raccoon paralysis. She made great recovery, much faster than most dogs do. First, you need to make sure that you make a very comfortable bed for you pooch. I'm not sure about the meds they've given you. Our vet had knowledge of raccoon paralysis and according to him, there's no known drug to treat r.p. yet. Start doing deep tissue massage, from head to tail...also do range of motion on front and back legs. If your j.r.becomes completely paralyzed like our Sophie did you will have to help it eat...also making sure it potties regular, both jobs....also look for a supplement called Oxyperm. It's for humans, but it' s full of antioxidants. Give the pooch 1 cap twice daily...I can give you more information if you want to contact me by It took Sophie about 4 weeks to begin to walk again...and after 4taking months she's nearly back to 100% . Hang in there it's a difficult thing to deal with, but if you just have patience you'll get through it. It's important to keep your little pooches spirits up. Keeping them laying on a bed near you comforts them, because they really don't understand what's happening to them. Did the paralysis come on fast ir gradual? I look forward to hearing from you...
At Thu Oct 31, 10:23:00 PM EDT,
Caroline & Anton said…
Hi,Our gorgeous miniature poodle, silver came down with Coonhound here in Adelaide end August 2013, Australia 2 months ago and we are told to just keep nursing him and he will come right. With the nursing beng like looking after a baby, I do not really have time to read this whole wonderful blog cos I have other things I have to try and do for my family/property/ study etc.
Does anyone have experience with a dog down for 2 months? no sign of any recovery yet.He does not even really want to eat much and has a feeding pipe inserted by the vet.He has lost so much weight, from 7 to 5.3 kg and is like a plastic bag half full of water to pick up. Oh, some bones in there trouble is I do not know where to look for replies to this question on this blog!I would love to hear from someone whose dog got so limp from the neck down, so thin, not eating, tube fed, and then got better. silver IS NOT incontinent, mercifully, and we take him out to a miniature long drop over which we place him for clean wees. Poos less easy to predict, but we are getting there as he managed a nice poo into another hole in the ground behind him lined with silver foil. easy clean. cheers, Caroline, Silver's human
At Thu Oct 31, 11:37:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
CAROLINE & ANTON, I used deep tissue massage down spine from neck to to base of the tail. Also range of motion exercises twice daily.this simulated the nerves. Coonhound paralysis is viral that effects the nervous system. I also have her antioxidants. 2 and a half months before she was walking. I'm concerned your baby isn't getting enough nutrition. I hand fed scrambled eggs first then moist food to my girl. She didn't want to take it at first but gave in and started eating quite well. Hang in there! Don't give up! It's a tough illness. if you have questions.
At Tue Jul 14, 05:13:00 PM EDT,
Christie Nellåker said…
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At Tue Apr 06, 12:39:00 AM EDT,
shaninvictus said…
You really know your stuff... Keep up the good work! Visit my site, heritage house of keller health & rehabilitation center Great work buddy, keep it up... thanks
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